There are very few businessmen in the state Legislature. We need good, common-sense business owners who understand the importance of creating priorities, cutting waste and auditing every agency. I’m pleased to endorse Chuck Hall.
Chuck Hall is the only candidate who will stand for Kingfisher County, represent us, and not pander to others. He is the only conservative who will get things done, and that could not be more important than it is today. He understands the importance of roads and infrastructure and will make rural schools a priority.
There aren’t very many business owners in the state Senate, and we need to change that. In my time as representative, Chuck Hall has been a true community servant. He shares our conservative values, supports our rural schools and is a man we can count on as our state senator.
© Copyright Chuck Hall for Senate. Authorized and Paid for by Chuck Hall for Senate 2022. PO Box 1233 Guthrie, OK 73044